The broader objective of the project is to promote road safety through development/ implementation of sensors for vehicles and evaluation of driving behaviour, leading to driver assistance and warning systems to prevent accidents.

The specific objectives are:

  • To develop data collection equipment and applications using sensors such as millimeter wave radar, gyroscope, accelerometer and GPS for deploying in automotive vehicles to collect driving behaviour data
  • To instrument test vehicles with data collection equipment relevant to evaluation of driving behaviour in field traffic conditions (city road stretches) and collect data for analysis and evaluation
  • To evaluate driving behaviour under various traffic conditions by analysing the collected data during test runs
  • To build driving behaviour models to assess driver propensity, thereby evaluating driving safety
  • To develop and instrument On-board Driver Assistance and Warning Systems (ODAWS)
  • To evaluate ODAWS’s safety enhancement features under various scenarios of traffic conditions
  • Explore the possibility of commercialization of ODAWS
  • Knowledge creation and capacity building by providing platform to faculty, students (bachelors, masters and doctoral levels) and technical staff through development and instrumentation of vehicles with driving data capturing sensors, real-time data, driver behaviour modelling and data analytics

The lead institute for this project is IIT Madras. C-DAC will help IIT M in instrumenting the vehicles by supplying the hardware and developing appropriate application for data collection. C-DAC will absorb the technology through continuous interaction with the project team at IIT M.

Expected outcome

  • Data collection equipment and applications using sensors for deploying in automotive vehicles to collect driving behaviour data
  • Instrumented vehicle for assessing driving behaviour
  • Driving behaviour models
  • On-board driver assistance and warning system
  • Capacity building ((Doctoral, masters and bachelors students and project staff)

Industry Connect

The On-board Driver Assistance and Warning System (ODAWS) has immense potential in promoting road safety by preventing accidents or by mitigating the severity of these. If potential for commercialization is seen, several car manufacturers will likely come forward to adopt this system in their vehicles. Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) has already indicated interest in collaborating in this research effort and issued support letter to this effect. Mahindra Research Valley (MRV) located near Chennai is offering two of their vehicles for instrumentation by us and subsequent data collection on driving behaviour. The successful integration of such a system in new cars will lead to deep market penetration, leading ultimately to safety benefit of four-wheeler users.


The overall objective of the project is to develop and evaluate various bus signal priority strategies with the aim of minimizing overall person delay at an isolated signalized intersection and evaluation of the same in a microscopic simulation environment.

The specific objectives are:

  • Develop application to collect and store data from the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) sensors in the On Board Unit (OBU), which will be mounted on the buses and also integrate external WiFi sensors to the OBU
  • Develop application to communicate (V2I) traffic state information and bus arrival information at signalized intersections via the Road Side Unit (RSU)
  • Develop a traffic state estimation and prediction methodology using this data and based on traffic flow theory.
  • Develop an automated bus priority system that is optimal for the predicted traffic state and bus arrival time, considering practical constraints
  • Integrate the solution with a simulated network and evaluate
  • Develop a scalable and transferable bus priority system that can be used for any isolated, fixed time signal
  • Knowledge creation and capacity building by providing platform to faculty, students (Masters & Ph.D) and professionals on field sensors, real-time data collection, and data analytics for bus priority system development

The project development will be done mainly by IIT Madras. C-DAC will supply the vehicle mount hardware(OBU) and roadside unit (RSU) and help IIT M in instrumenting the vehicles and, supplying, installing and testing the system. Development of application to communicate (V2I) is also in the scope of C-DAC. C-DAC will absorb the technology and knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development.

Expected Outcome

  • A sensor for traffic state detection based on Wi-Fi devices in the traffic
  • A OBU-RSU integrated device working with DSRC for V2I communication
  • A methodology to predict traffic state at signalized intersection using sensor data from OBU and WiFi sensors near intersections
  • An automated optimal bus priority solution for isolated, fixed time signals that is transferable and scalable
  • The final solution will be demonstrated through simulation in terms of delay reduction
  • The scope of the study will be limited to an isolated intersection. All the approaches to a signalized intersection will be instrumented with WiFi sensors and RSUs and buses passing through that signal will be equipped with OBUs

Industry connect

M/s. BMTC, Bangalore has expressed interest for Bus Priority System and M/s. MTC, Chennai have agreed to instrument their buses for traffic data collection, testing and evaluation. They are ready to deploy the application in their PT bus operation on successful field trial.

Travel time information helps commuters plan their travel efficiently. They will be able to make decisions on what route to take, what mode to take, what time to start the journey, etc. It also helps transportation agencies understand the spatiotemporal evolution of traffic conditions on the road network. However, obtaining travel time information is not trivial and has not been explored sufficiently for heterogeneous conditions. Towards addressing this issue, the present project proposes to use Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) devices and the Wi-Fi sensors to gather continuous spatiotemporal traffic stream data, develop a traffic state estimation and prediction methodology, and finally develop a departure time planner application. Towards achieving this goal, the following objectives are envisioned: 

  • Design and develop applications to integrate Wi-Fi sensors with DSRC devices
  • Develop an application for real-time data collection and communication from DSRC devices to the storage server
  • Develop traffic state estimation methodology for corridors, incorporating the spatiotemporal data
  • Develop corridor-level state prediction methodology using advanced traffic flow models and theory
  • Develop a departure time planner based on the predictions made in the earlier step
  • Knowledge creation and capacity building by providing platform to faculty, students (Masters & Ph.D) and professionals on field sensors, real-time data collection, and data analytics for departure time planner.

The project development will be done mainly by IIT Madras. C-DAC will help IIT M in instrumenting the vehicles by supplying the hardware and developing appropriate application for data collection. C-DAC will absorb the technology through continuous interaction with the IIT M project team and knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development.

Expected outcome

  • Application for integrating WiFi-based sensors with the C-DAC’s DSRC devices to collect and communicate (V2V and V2I) the continuous spatiotemporal traffic stream information
  • Empirical and theory supported approach to traffic state estimation and prediction using DSRC-based on sparse sensor instrumentation
  • Departure time planner algorithms utilizing the traffic state estimation and prediction methods

Industry connect

M/s. ITS Planners and Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad has shown interest in the final solution being developed. IIT Madras has an agreement with MTC, Chennai, to instrument their buses for traffic data collection.

The primary goal of this project is to develop and implement practical decision support tools for Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) under demand variability and operational uncertainty present in Indian cities. The aim of these tools is to assist passengers and operators in selecting decisions for improving transit service and reliability.

The following objectives will be pursued with regard to this broad goal.

  • To provide passengers with optimal routes with due consideration of reliability and user preferences
  • Investigate the potential of using real-time information for transit demand management by using data-driven models to learn about users’ route choice and provide personalized route guidance.
  • Integrate above models into prototypes and field demonstration in selected transit corridors or sub-networks.
  • Investigate the use of real-time information for transit demand management and system optimization

The project development will be done by IIT Madras and IISc Bangalore. IIT M will be responsible for the prototype development of optimal passenger transit route guidance system using a mobile app. IISc will be responsible for developing a web based Operational software tool for the transit agencies for evaluating reliability of public transport (buses) through headway management strategies. C-DAC will help IIT M & IISc in developing the software framework for data acquisition, communication interfaces, database management, presentation layer-Mobile App and web page. C-DAC will absorb the technology through continuous interaction with the project team of IIT M and IISc and the knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development.

Expected outcome

  • Dynamic database with demand, traffic, transit operational data to support decision-making
  • Prototypes for:
    • Mobile app for optimal passenger transit route guidance system (PTRGS) based on reliability and other criteria affecting route choice
    • Operational software tool for headway reliability improvement (OSHR).
  • Methodology and models:
    • Transit reliability state estimation and prediction approach
    • Demand estimation and forecasting using ITS data
    • Algorithms and models for improved reliability from passenger and operator perspectives
  • The significant research outcomes that are expected include methodology and models
  • Transit reliability state estimation and prediction approach
  • Demand estimation and forecasting using real-time ITS data
  • Algorithms and models for improved reliability from passenger and operator perspectives

Industry connect

Bus transit agencies in Bangalore (BMTC) and Chennai (MTC) have agreed to provide their ITS data useful for this project. Both agencies plan to improve their ITS systems for real-time tracking of their buses and passenger counts. Such real-time data will be of major use in this project. The research team will work with one of the bus transit agencies to develop methodology, models, algorithms, and prototype decision-support tools. In addition, field demonstrations will also be conducted with the same bus transit agency.

Smart vision sensor is machine vision system capable of extracting application-specific information from the images of interest that can be used for implementing stand-alone intelligent and decision making system without a PC or bulky devices. They also provide simple user interface for ease of operation.

The specific technology fall-outs includes

  • Design and development of a thermal imaging sensor based camera supporting industry standard interface protocols (GigE and USB/RS232) for outdoor application such as vehicle detection and traffic monitoring. Demand for the vehicle detection camera in India is huge; but, currently the entire market is controlled by foreign suppliers
  • Design and development of image processing algorithms and application for vehicle detection. The application proposed under this project is only representative. The Thermal imaging based sensors can be used for running other applications such as intrusion monitoring under low light conditions
  • Design and development of Graphical User Interface for smart vision sensor applications. A typical requirement is specifying multiple detection zones of the vehicle detection camera having direction filters and thresholds for different type/class of images
  • Design and development of CMOS sensor based industrial smart vision sensor that support industry standard protocols (GigE Vision and USB3 Vision) and to provide a generic programming interface based on GenICam TM standard to provide interoperability and support for standard application programming interface (API)
  • Design and development of smart electronics module capable of executing image processing algorithms and provide industry standard input/output interface and communication interfaces. The smart electronics module will be a common hardware for both the vision sensors
  • Design and development of image processing algorithms and application for sugar crystal size characterization. The application proposed under this project is only representative. The CMOS based smart vision sensors can be used for running other applications as well, based on the algorithm ported on them

Expected outcome

  • Thermal vision sensor for Road traffic application
  • Industrial vision sensor (CMOS based)
  • Sugar crystal size characterization system using industrial vision sensor
  • Vehicle presence detection application using thermal vision sensor
  • Technology transfer

Industry connect

  • M/s. DIMTS Ltd., Delhi, M/s. Onnyx Electronics, Delhi, M/s. Envoys Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon and M/s. Keltron, Trivandrum for the Thermal imaging based smart vision sensor embedded with Vehicle Detection application
  • M/s Spookfish Innvoations PVT LTD focuses on applying the latest computer vision technology and machine learning techniques to provide industrial automation
  • M/s Dharani Sugars and Chemicals Limited (DSCL) has three integrated Sugar plants with a total crushing capacity of 10000 TCD

The overall objective of the project is to develop a Common Service Layer based on oneM2M Global standards for ITS devices and applications. The following objectives are targeted in this project

  • Development of a Common Service Layer Framework
  • Development of Device Layer Software and, Monitoring and Management Software conforming oneM2M standard
  • Integrate ITS products and solutions of C-DAC onto this Service layer. Use-cases identified are enabling oneM2M communication standard for Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (WiTraC and TraMM)
  • Enable C-DAC ITS technology partners to migrate to oneM2M platform through Technology Transfer
  • To transform third party legacy ITS systems into oneM2M standard.

Expected outcome

    • Common Service Layer based on oneM2M global standard
    • oneM2M based Device Layer Software for C-DAC ITS products
    • Application Layer Software for User Interface
    • oneM2M Adaptors using standard hardware for legacy ITS products
    • Integrated Testing and Field trial using WiTraC and TraMM at one site
    • Technology Transfer

Industry Connect

C-DAC shall associate with leading ITS solution providers in India Viz. M/s Keltron, Thiruvananthapuram, M/s DIMTS Ltd, Delhi and M/s Onnyx Electronics, Delhi to provide a deployment platform for the field testing of Common Service Layer .

The overall goal of this project is to develop a driver-centric desktop driving simulator integrated with a general-purpose traffic simulator representative of Non-Lane Based mixed traffic systems.

The specific objectives of this project are:

  • Calibrate a microscopic traffic simulator that represents non-lane-based mixed traffic conditions
  • Integrate high-end driving simulator with a microscopic traffic simulator for modelling traffic and driver behaviour of non-lane based mixed traffic system. For this, a module will be developed that enables real-time two-way interaction between the traffic simulator and the purchased driving simulator
  • Develop a desktop-based low-cost driving simulator for driver safety training and licensing purposes
  • Preparation of driver safety modules for the desktop simulator. The modules will be based on various safety-related experiments involving local drivers

Expected outcome

The following sub-systems are the outcome of the project :

  • A robust traffic simulator capable of representing non-lane based mixed traffic systems
  • A desktop screen for visualizing such traffic environment
  • Integration package required for synchronization of the desktop based driving simulator and traffic simulator

The above sub-systems put together will help to achieve a full-scale driving simulator for non-lane based mixed traffic system

The project development will be done mainly by IIT Bombay. C-DAC will absorb the technology through the knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development. C-DAC will also help IIT B in productizing the development and identifying technology partners.

Industry Connect

IIT Bombay shall associate with RTO Bombay to collect traffic database that will be used to create non lane based mixed traffic in the simulation which can be used for driver license test on trial basis before actual test by the RTO officials. Traffic Police, Mumbai also agreed to help IIT Bombay to create a random vehicle and its behaviour in the actual day-to-day traffic.


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Contact us

Group Head, Intelligent Transportation & Networking Group (ITNG)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala - 695 033, Email:
Tel: +91 471 2726731, +91 471 2723333

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