The subproject SP1 - Wireless Traffic Control System aims at development of a Vehicle Actuated (VA), Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) compatible road traffic signal controller having features to control signal lamps over wireless medium. The Wireless Traffic Controller, WiTraC, developed under this project is one of the flagship products of C-DAC developed under the MeitY funding. Currently, WiTraC is being manufactured, distributed and implemented across the country by multiple technology partners of C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram.

Area Traffic Control Systems or Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) belong to the latest generation of signalized intersection control. They operate in two levels (1) the traffic signal controller and vehicle data collection devices installed at every traffic junction at the local level and (2) the signal time optimization algorithm or ATCS Engine running on a Server Class machine at the Traffic Command and Control Centre (TCCC) at the central level. The traffic signal controllers at the intersections will collect traffic data on every road approach using vehicle detectors; preprocess the vehicle data and send it to the ATCS Engine over a robust communication network. The ATCS Engine will evaluate the traffic data in real-time for developing optimum signal timings for every approach in the entire road traffic network under the ATCS. These optimum signal timings computed by the ATCS will be sent back to the traffic signal controllers for execution in real-time. This closed loop operation of vehicle data collection and signal time updates is targeted towards minimum stopped delays and improved travel times under the ATCS operating zone.

Composite Signal Control Strategy (CoSiCoSt) is the Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) engine developed and field tested by C-DAC during the year 2004-06. CoSiCoSt is commercially implemented at various parts of the country since 2007, directly by C-DAC and through their technology partners. Objective of the subproject SP2 – Second Generation Area Traffic Control System is to develop appropriate model and methodology for improving CoSiCoSt on real-time link travel time estimation. This development was carried out jointly by IIT Bombay and C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.

An accurate and continuous traffic count is vital for all transportation planning purposes. Specifically, planning for the future expansion needs a good estimate of traffic both in terms of the cumulative and peaking in a day or during special events. Currently these needs are met by manual count for very limited time periods. In addition, the growth of vehicular traffic is exerting pressure of the limited road infrastructure. An optimal usage the existing facilities require an accurate monitoring. This can be achieved by a real-time traffic counting and monitoring system (RTCMS). The specific objectives of the subproject SP3 – Real time traffic counting and monitoring system are:

* Customizing the Loop detectors for Vehicle count in Indian traffic condition which is heterogeneous and with limited lane discipline

* Exploring the efficacy of video-image processing to detect, count, classify, and determine the speed of the vehicles

* Develop an intelligent tool to supply the historic traffic information for transportation planners

* Develop and deploy an intelligent online web interface to exhibit the current traffic condition and congestion level on a given travel corridor as part of Advanced Travelers Information System (ATIS)

The real-time traffic counting and monitoring system was developed, implemented and evaluated by IIT-Bombay with the support of C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.

Intelligent Parking Management System helps travelers to find parking spots quickly in an off-street parking facility. The system provides an efficient mechanism of managing the parking space including driver guidance and assistance system. The system provides efficient monitoring of the occupancy of the parking space and provides real time information to the operator and the general public. The system also provides parking space availability information to the general public / driver well in advance before reaching the parking area by displaying the information at important locations in the city through variable messaging system. Necessary driver assistance and guidance system are provided inside the parking area. Parking fee collection and accounting is also part of the system.

The intelligent parking management system was developed and field tested by C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram.

Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) is defined as systems that acquire, analyze, and present information to assist surface transportation travellers in moving from a starting location (origin) to their desired destination. ATIS may operate through information supplied entirely within the vehicle (autonomous system) or it can also use data supplied by the traffic management centres. Autonomous systems utilize vehicle position determination and stored map data. The use of data from the traffic control centre assists the driver in knowing the current status of the traffic in real time, and to make intelligent decisions. The information will include locations of incidents, weather and road conditions, optimal routes, recommended speeds, and lane restrictions.

Through the applications of advanced information and communication technologies, Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) offer the potential and ability to provide better solutions for urban traffic. The potential benefits to travelers include: reduced congestion, air-pollution, and energy consumption, and increased safety, efficiency and management of capacity.

The project focuses on the Personal Traveler Information Systems and Variable Message Signs which are likely to be most relevant to urban traffic scenarios in India. The Advanced Traveller Information System for Indian Cities was developed by IIT Madras with the support of C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram.

One of the key aspects of making public transport more efficient and sustainable is to provide adequate information for the public. A user of the public transport system would like to get prior information to plan a trip. Current systems include fixed time tables, route plans, and web based static route planner. The effectiveness of these is very limited as there is considerable variation of travel time within a day and over days of a week. The public transport systems in large cities consists of large number of overlapping routes, varying frequencies, make the network intractable. Further, route modification at special events, cancellation, etc. makes the system much more complex for an average user. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop a system to track the movement of bus transit in urban areas and linked with database of the urban area and through other supporting tools in information technology to provide real-time traveller information. Therefore, the goal of this project is to demonstrate a real time and intelligent public transport route information and trip planner. It is expected that large numbers of bus transit users shall prefer to plan their journey trip in advance through interactive trip planner, which will save their waiting time and also make their journey comfortable. This intelligent trip planner will attract more passengers to the transit system.

The Intelligent Transit Trip Planner and Real-time Route Information System was developed, implemented and evaluated by IIT-Bombay with the support of C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.

The Red Light Violation Detection System captures images of vehicles violating Red signal at traffic junctions. The system generates consecutive snapshots of the violating vehicle before and after the stop-line during the Red signal. 3-5 second video of the violating vehicle along with the red signal in the frame is provided as additional evidence of the violation. License plate of the violating vehicle is captured from the rear and, the vehicle owner details retrieved automatically from the RTO database for generating tickets. All four arms of the traffic junction can be monitored using single red-light violation detection system hardware. However, each arm requires independent evidence cameras and vehicle detectors.

The Red-light Violation Detection System was developed by C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram and field tested at Jaipur and Thiruvananthapuram.

Traffic congestions in metropolitan areas have developed to a major problem in many countries all over the world. They have a negative impact on the economy, the environment and the overall quality of life. The purpose of this project is to explore the use of RFID technology to manage traffic congestions and to reduce the negative impact on the economy. RFID devices would give the opportunity to monitor the traffic in real-time and to gather valuable information about the development and the sources of congestions. Bottlenecks could be detected early. Behaviour of inner-city traffic could be analyzed and the infrastructure could be aligned based on this information. Furthermore, drivers could be warned early about possible congestions and alternative routes could be suggested.

The objective of this project is to design, develop and implement in a pilot scale a RFID-based framework for intelligent traffic congestion management system through:

* Detection of traffic congestion and bottlenecks

* Broadcasting of local congestion information to the electronic signage at the relevant crossing for re-routing / re-direction of vehicular traffic

The Intelligent Traffic Congestion Management System using RFID was developed and field tested in a pilot scale by IIM Calcutta.

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