The Red Light Violation Detection System captures images of vehicles violating Red signal at traffic junctions. The system generates consecutive snapshots of the violating vehicle before and after the stop-line during the Red signal. 3-5 second video of the violating vehicle along with the red signal in the frame is provided as additional evidence of the violation. License plate of the violating vehicle is captured from the rear and, the vehicle owner details retrieved automatically from the RTO database for generating tickets. All four arms of the traffic junction can be monitored using single red-light violation detection system hardware. However, each arm requires independent evidence cameras and vehicle detectors.
The Red-light Violation Detection System was developed by C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram and field tested at Jaipur and Thiruvananthapuram.
Group Head, Intelligent Transportation & Networking Group (ITNG)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala - 695 033, Email:
Tel: +91 471 2726731, +91 471 2723333