6. Intelligent Transit Trip Planner and Real Time Route Information

One of the key aspects of making public transport more efficient and sustainable is to provide adequate information for the public. A user of the public transport system would like to get prior information to plan a trip. Current systems include fixed time tables, route plans, and web based static route planner. The effectiveness of these is very limited as there is considerable variation of travel time within a day and over days of a week. The public transport systems in large cities consists of large number of overlapping routes, varying frequencies, make the network intractable. Further, route modification at special events, cancellation, etc. makes the system much more complex for an average user. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop a system to track the movement of bus transit in urban areas and linked with database of the urban area and through other supporting tools in information technology to provide real-time traveller information. Therefore, the goal of this project is to demonstrate a real time and intelligent public transport route information and trip planner. It is expected that large numbers of bus transit users shall prefer to plan their journey trip in advance through interactive trip planner, which will save their waiting time and also make their journey comfortable. This intelligent trip planner will attract more passengers to the transit system.

The Intelligent Transit Trip Planner and Real-time Route Information System was developed, implemented and evaluated by IIT-Bombay with the support of C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.

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Group Head, Intelligent Transportation & Networking Group (ITNG)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala - 695 033, Email: its@cdac.in
Tel: +91 471 2726731, +91 471 2723333

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