7. Development of Desktop-Based Driving Simulator for Non-Lane Based Mixed Traffic System

The overall goal of this project is to develop a driver-centric desktop driving simulator integrated with a general-purpose traffic simulator representative of Non-Lane Based mixed traffic systems.

The specific objectives of this project are:

  • Calibrate a microscopic traffic simulator that represents non-lane-based mixed traffic conditions
  • Integrate high-end driving simulator with a microscopic traffic simulator for modelling traffic and driver behaviour of non-lane based mixed traffic system. For this, a module will be developed that enables real-time two-way interaction between the traffic simulator and the purchased driving simulator
  • Develop a desktop-based low-cost driving simulator for driver safety training and licensing purposes
  • Preparation of driver safety modules for the desktop simulator. The modules will be based on various safety-related experiments involving local drivers

Expected outcome

The following sub-systems are the outcome of the project :

  • A robust traffic simulator capable of representing non-lane based mixed traffic systems
  • A desktop screen for visualizing such traffic environment
  • Integration package required for synchronization of the desktop based driving simulator and traffic simulator

The above sub-systems put together will help to achieve a full-scale driving simulator for non-lane based mixed traffic system

The project development will be done mainly by IIT Bombay. C-DAC will absorb the technology through the knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development. C-DAC will also help IIT B in productizing the development and identifying technology partners.

Industry Connect

IIT Bombay shall associate with RTO Bombay to collect traffic database that will be used to create non lane based mixed traffic in the simulation which can be used for driver license test on trial basis before actual test by the RTO officials. Traffic Police, Mumbai also agreed to help IIT Bombay to create a random vehicle and its behaviour in the actual day-to-day traffic.


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Contact us

Group Head, Intelligent Transportation & Networking Group (ITNG)
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala - 695 033, Email: its@cdac.in
Tel: +91 471 2726731, +91 471 2723333

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