2. Development of a Bus Priority System at Signalized Intersections using V2I Communication
The overall objective of the project is to develop and evaluate various bus signal priority strategies with the aim of minimizing overall person delay at an isolated signalized intersection and evaluation of the same in a microscopic simulation environment.
The specific objectives are:
- Develop application to collect and store data from the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) sensors in the On Board Unit (OBU), which will be mounted on the buses and also integrate external WiFi sensors to the OBU
- Develop application to communicate (V2I) traffic state information and bus arrival information at signalized intersections via the Road Side Unit (RSU)
- Develop a traffic state estimation and prediction methodology using this data and based on traffic flow theory.
- Develop an automated bus priority system that is optimal for the predicted traffic state and bus arrival time, considering practical constraints
- Integrate the solution with a simulated network and evaluate
- Develop a scalable and transferable bus priority system that can be used for any isolated, fixed time signal
- Knowledge creation and capacity building by providing platform to faculty, students (Masters & Ph.D) and professionals on field sensors, real-time data collection, and data analytics for bus priority system development
The project development will be done mainly by IIT Madras. C-DAC will supply the vehicle mount hardware(OBU) and roadside unit (RSU) and help IIT M in instrumenting the vehicles and, supplying, installing and testing the system. Development of application to communicate (V2I) is also in the scope of C-DAC. C-DAC will absorb the technology and knowledge transfer program towards the end of the development.
Expected Outcome
- A sensor for traffic state detection based on Wi-Fi devices in the traffic
- A OBU-RSU integrated device working with DSRC for V2I communication
- A methodology to predict traffic state at signalized intersection using sensor data from OBU and WiFi sensors near intersections
- An automated optimal bus priority solution for isolated, fixed time signals that is transferable and scalable
- The final solution will be demonstrated through simulation in terms of delay reduction
- The scope of the study will be limited to an isolated intersection. All the approaches to a signalized intersection will be instrumented with WiFi sensors and RSUs and buses passing through that signal will be equipped with OBUs
Industry connect
M/s. BMTC, Bangalore has expressed interest for Bus Priority System and M/s. MTC, Chennai have agreed to instrument their buses for traffic data collection, testing and evaluation. They are ready to deploy the application in their PT bus operation on successful field trial.
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